INSPIRE Questionnaire for Sports Providers
  • Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Don't know/neutral
    Good experience playing the sports we offer
    Strong interest in the sports we offer
    Ability to communicate in our native language
    Ability to pay member fee
    Interest in socialising and learning new skills
    Nothing, everyone who wants to join our club is welcome
  • Please select as many as applicable.
  • Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
    We only deliver training sessions in our native language
    Some experienced players of the team do not want their training to suffer
    We do not know how to support migrants
    We do not know enough about the limitations refugees face when participating in sport
    We have never thought about it
    We have never had a migrant interested in joining our organisation
    No migrants live in the area
    We do not want to work with migrants
  • Strongly Disagree Disagree Do not know Agree Strongly Agree
    It was rewarding for the players and coach
    Our organisation had the opportunity to form partnerships with other organisations
    The organisation learned about the similar needs shared by all participants whether they have a migrant background or not
    The organisation can now offer different levels of support depending on the needs of the individual
    It was challenging as we did not have enough resources available to provide the support that each participant requires