• If the question is not applicable leave blank and continue.


  • (Exclude GST)
  • (Include GST)
  • (Include GST)
  • 11. Offshore Equity Investments.

    Offshore equity investment may be subject to tax under the Fair Dividend Rate (FDR) method of measuring income. Complex calculations may be required, although these may have been done for you already and summarised in a portfolio summary report provided by an investment manager or advisor.

    Please provide us with details of:

    * All foreign equities owned during the year (name of entity, country of residence, number of share/units, etc).

    * Their cost price if acquired during the year or market value as at the start of the year if already owned.

    * Any income distributions or sale proceeds received.


  • 12. Solicitors statements: Relating to any legal transactions during the year.

  • Takings not banked into your business account were used:

  • Please contact us if your house was used for business
    purposes, and we will provide you with a form to calculate
    how much you could claim as a business expense
  • (Required for each vehicle used for both personal and business use.)
  • 24. Company administration

    Please provide details and/or associated documentation for each question answered yes:
  • 27. Instructions / Authorisation for BTA Ltd:

    I instruct BTA Ltd to prepare my taxation return. I undertake to supply all information necessary for this engagement and to be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of such information. Your services are not intended to and accordingly will not result in the expression by you of an opinion on the tax return summary or related schedules insofar as third parties are concerned.

    Authorisation to obtain information subject to the Privacy Act:
    I authorise BTA Ltd to communicate with the appropriate bankers, solicitors, finance companies and other persons or organisations to obtain such further information as is required to carry out the above engagement.
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