I, at my own free will volunteer to participate in the activities organized by ARDiver Resources. I also understand that such participation in any functions or activities organized by ARDiver Resources may expose me to certain risk of injury or death, and freely and voluntarily assume any and all the risk of injury or death, including the failure to supervise properly. I hereby release ARDiver Resources, ARDive Team, its officers, agents, or employees from any anThis is a legally binding Release made by me, to the ARDiver Resources I, fully recognize that there are dangers and risks to which I may be exposed by participating in Scuba Diving which involves (partial list): Embolism, arterial gas embolism, decompression sickness, lung overexpansion injury, inner ear damage, hearing loss, hypercapnia, nitrogen narcosis, oxygen toxicity, dehydration, hypothermia, drowning, injuries caused by marine life, barodontalgia, cerebral embolism, barotrauma, dysbarism. I understand that ARDiver Resources does not require me to participate in this activity, but I want to do so, despite the possible dangers and risks, and despite this Release. I therefore agree to assume and take on myself all of the risks and responsibilities in any way associated with this activity. In consideration of and return for the services, facilities, and other assistance provided to me in this activity, I release ARDiver Resources, its employees and agents from any and all liability, claims and actions that may arise from injury or harm to me, from my death or from damage to my property in connection with this activity. I understand that this Release covers liability, claims and actions caused entirely or in part by any acts or failures to act by ARDiver Resources, its employees or agents including but not limited to negligence, mistake, or failure to supervise by ARDiver Resources. I recognize this entire Release means I am giving up, among other things, rights to sue ARDiver Resources, its employees and agents for injuries, damages, or losses I may incur. I also understand that this Release binds my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, as well as myself. I have read this entire Release, I fully understand it and I agree be legally bound by it. THIS IS A RELEASE OF YOUR RIGHTS. READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. d all claims or liabilities for injuries to my person (including death) or property, in any way arising out of my participation in any of ARDiver Resources activities.